Derivative Works Policy

Note that this page complements the terms found on our terms of use page. In the event of disagreement, whichever terms are more favorable to Asian Efficiency Limited are to take effect.

Derivative Works (including but not limited to translations) of articles, blog posts or other publicly accessible content on are permitted, provided that:

1. Content must be translated into a language which is not a variation of English. e.g., translations to British English are not permitted.

2. All translations MUST include:

  • The URL of the original article as a URL in the article at the top and bottom (e.g., This must be linked back to the original article.
  • If possible, you must include our Google Authorship blurb in English or the translated language (you provide the translation), and notify us for authorship. This blurb will contain a link with the anchor text “Asian Efficiency”, linking back to our homepage.
  • You must include a recommendation to either:

    1. subscribe to the Asian Efficiency Newsletter
    2. follow our Twitter
    3. or like our Facebook page

    We are flexible as to which you include.

  • All links to must not use rel=nofollow.
  • URLs must not be cloaked or hidden.

3. The article and derivative works remain the copyright and property of Asian Efficiency Limited.

4. All derivative works incorporating more than 10% of an article must be requested on an article-by-article basis. Note that this naturally includes all translations and republication of Asian Efficiency articles. There are to be no carte-blanche translations or derivations of Asian Efficiency articles and content.

5. If a derivative work is to be used for commercial purposes, a licence fee must be paid to Asian Efficiency Limited – please contact us for further details.

6. As a corollary of condition #4, quotes of Asian Efficiency content (less than 10% of an article, also known as “content curation”) are permitted without request, provided that a link back to the original article is included. This link must not use rel=nofollow.

7. Asian Efficiency content and derivative works are not permitted to appear on sites that we deem to be offensive or inappropriate. This is subject to our discretion and may change at any time without prior notice.

This policy does not cover our products, newsletters or premium content. Those items remain copyright Asian Efficiency Limited and may not be adapted for other works.

This policy follows the same terms of dispute, jurisdiction and applicable law as per our Terms of Use.