In this episode, Zachary discusses minimalism and priorities with Joel Zaslofsky. They discuss different productivity systems (including Joel’s use of spreadsheets) and why you should start a commonplace book.
Links for this episode:
World Domination Summit
Joel’s interview with Mark Sisson (of Mark’s Daily Apple)
Joshua Becker
Courtney Carver
Colin Wright
Emily Wapnick
Personal User’s Guide
Getting Things Done by David Allen
How & Why to Keep a Commonplace Book
Dragon Dictation
Daniel Kahneman’s TED talk on memory
What to get everyone for Christmas (David Cain, Raptitude)
The Giving Tree
Ethan Waldman’s Tiny House
Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
Microsoft Excel
Simplerev – Minimalism conference
Experience Curating – Joel’s book
Smart and Simple Matters – Joel’s podcast
Refuge of Simplicity – Joel’s newsletter
The Value of Simple – Joel’s website
The Value of Simple Declaration
@joelzaslofsky | +joelzaslofsky
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Ditto, Michel. I’d like to see how Zach uses Evernote as well. But it seems like a lot of work unless he was already planning on giving us the factory tour.
We’ll keep our fingers crossed.
Great podcast Zach! I would love to know how you organize and curate your commonplace book in Evernote. I’m trying to do the same but don’t have the structure in place yet.
Keep up the great work.