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  • TPS114: Take Action and Produce Results w/ Nathan Latka


Nathan Latka is an entrepreneur on a mission. He’s built and sold companies and is currently planning to take a company public, all before his 30th birthday. Nathan and Zack chat about what drives his success, delegating tasks, ego, and more.

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  • The secret to Nathan achieving success at such a young age
  • The source of Nathan’s energy and how it enables him to be a high achiever
  • Why lazy people tend to do everything themselves
  • How to get people on board with your vision and how it can help you achieve your goals
  • Why you should emphasize your strengths rather than try to improve your weaknesses
  • The strategies Nathan uses to build successful teams
  • The power of big ideas (and why people are scared to verbalize them)
  • How leveraging your ego (in the correct way) can actually help you accomplish your goals
  • How clearing your calendar enables you to pursue opportunities
  • Why influence is more important than mastery
  • The differences between a craftsman and an influencer


Book, ritual

Book: A system for book reading – alternate between a Bio book and a Strategy book. Find the habits of the successful person that each Bio book is about.
Ritual: On Sunday evenings, sit down and map out the week ahead. Try and cancel as many meetings that week as you possibly can.

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Last Updated: July 16, 2024

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  1. I am working through all of the old podcasts and felt moved to comment on this one. He had some good points: hire & recruit experts, work to your strengths, don’t waste time on things that aren’t important. However, if you are not an entrepreneur, the rest of his advice is not really helpful, and his attitude toward those of us who choose not to work in this way is condescending. It is ok to have a positive mindset about your own strengths and successes, but I would love to hear his viewpoint after he has lived a little longer.

  2. This episode made me cringe like no other podcast has done. I’m definitely not someone that posts or comments but I couldn’t help myself on this one.

    I do not think he’s entirely wrong, as there is definitely some ideas that to my opinion make sense but I think his delivery method is entirely unorganized, all over the place, barely logical and with the sole purpose of bolstering his ego.

    This is the type of people I hate being around and doing business with, and usually are just all talk.

  3. Episode was great! Nathan should absolutely come back in the future.

    I can’t say that his approach is wrong, but (I think) I can say it is wrong for me. He has had success climbing the social and financial ladder by being a deal-maker. I do not want to be a deal-maker, but would rather spend my time thinking about other problems I find more interesting. I don’t care about the social ladder either (though I would like to be more wealthy.)

    If listeners felt that they had an emotional reaction to some of the things he said, I suggest they carefully consider why. A lot of what he said challenged views I have subconsciously been assuming. “Why do I hold those thoughts? Are they correct? Where is he right and where am I wrong? ” Being directly confronted is the best way to grow, and I think he does a great job confronting the shit out of some views likely held by many AE readers.

  4. Interesting episode. Found some things helpful! But why is Nathan coming here to attack people who found his approach not helpful? If demeaning people who criticize you is your MO then no wonder Trump was mentioned so much throughout the episode… Let it go, dude.

  5. I don’t need or want your money.

    You’re the guy that buys every product on the internet, then doesn’t use them, has $0 in your bank, then annoys the hell out of everyone asking for refunds.

  6. Hi Zack,

    I usually listen to your podcast on my way to work & on my way back. This one I should say was particularly electric! In sense that the amazing confidence and belief with which Nathan spoke was very contagious. Thanks for coming up with new podcasts every week. I particularly like the trademark styled – finish .. “Achieve Anything but not Everything!” :)


  7. This was a disappointing episode for me. Not surprised you bring up Donald Trump. It’s worth learning the virtue of humility. Just read James Doty’s “Into the Magic Shop”, which is a good lesson in learning the hard way.

  8. Nathan sounds like the crazy homeless guy who walks up to you and tells you his story right before he asks you for change.

    If he’s a millionaire, then I’m Donald Trump.

    Hint, I’m not Donald Trump.

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