Since our name is Asian Efficiency, you might think that we are 100% focused on your efficiency. I mean, it’s right there in the name! Well, efficiency is important, but we think it gets too much focus — what’s just as important is making sure you are doing the right things efficiently.
In this episode, we’re going to share 3 steps to make sure you are efficient AND effective.
Thanks to Fiverr for supporting The Productivity Show. Fiverr is offering our listeners 10% off their first order by going to and using the code TPS.
Thanks to Net Suite for supporting The Productivity Show. Take a free product tour today at
Thanks to Fundrise for supporting The Productivity Show. Fundrise is offering our listeners 90 days of advisory free service. Go to to learn more.
Cheat Sheet:
- The top 3 productivity resources for this week [2:46]
- Why this episode can help even the most Asian-efficient people [4:59]
- The difference between effectiveness and efficiency [6:49]
- Why you should measure effectiveness first before efficiency [8:22]
- How to make sure you are doing the RIGHT things and you’re doing them OFTEN [11:21]
- Why Thanh spends time doing what he calls “backlog grooming” and why it’s some of his most important work [18:31]
- How to get better at doing the right things by doing them well [23:47]
- How Thanh has optimized everyday tasks that many people may overlook [29:49]
- Why you should regularly assess how you can improve effectiveness and efficiency [32:58]
- Action steps you can take to integrate today’s topic into your life [39:58]
- Fiverr
- Net Suite
- Fundrise
- The Effective Executive
- The Economist Espresso
- Drafts
- TPS+
- Goal Setting and Goal Getting: Having a Why
- The Overwhelm Survival Kit: Tips & Strategies to Help You Get the Space & Control You Need (TPS206)
- 9 Ways to Break Up Your Work to Stay Focused and Productive
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
- Hazel
- Your GTD Weekly Review: Be Consistent And Achieve “Mind Like Water” Each Week (TPS311)
- Check out Asian Efficiency’s DTDT session about Planning The Perfect Week
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