We’ve been helping people become more productive at work and in life since 2011. The podcast has been around since 2016 and we surpassed 11mm downloads which makes us the #1 productivity podcast in the world.
We don’t take this for granted. We’re taking this episode to celebrate this major milestone.
It’s fun to mix it up so we’re going to give each co-host an opportunity to share things with the audience that you might know about them. These could be passion projects they’re working on outside of AE, hobbies, favorite foods, and more.
We’re also going to recommend one podcast episode from the last 399 episodes that we recommend. Not necessarily which one we think is “the best”, but just one we think you should listen to.
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You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to theproductivityshow.com/400.
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- Top 3 Productivity Resources [3:27]
- What are some of Brooks’ favorite foods, and why? [7:06]
- What are some of Brooks’ favorite books? [9:32]
- What does Brooks like to do when not working for AE? [13:03]
- How did Brooks end up joining AE? [14:44]
- What is a fun story that would define Brooks in a nutshell? [20:32]
- How does Marmel see Brooks? [23:18]
- Which TPS Episode is Brooks’ favorite so far? [23:53]
- How did Marmel feel about Scrum when she applied to AE? [26:33]
- What suggestion did Marmel make at the Scrum conference to end their meetings? [28:06]
- How does Brooks feel about AE implementing Scrum? [29:36]
- What sort of food do Marmel cook and eat regularly? [31:25]
- Which book genre does Marmel gravitate towards most? [13:51]
- How is Marmel as a person when not working for AE? [39:23]
- Which TPS episode would Marmel recommend the most so far? [42:30]
- How did Thanh mold AE into what it is today? [44:08]
- What are some of Thanh’s favorite foods? [47:41]
- What are some books Thanh enjoys reading most? [49:50]
- What does Thanh like to do when not working for AE? [52:25]
- Which episode of TPS does Thanh think is most underrated? [55:22]
- Action step to integrate today’s topic into your life. [59:13]
- Book: The 99% Invisible City- A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design, by Roman Mars
- App: Rise Science
- Logitech Litra Glow
- How To Be Productive Through Illness and Recovery (TPS256)
- Want To Do A Productivity Reset? Here’s What We Would Do (TPS343)
- Book: The Untethered Soul, by Michael A. Singer
- Book: 30 Lessons for Living, by Karl A. Pillemer
- Book: Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0), by Verne Harnish
- The CEO’s Secret to Productivity: An Executive Assistant (TPS143)
- Productivity Academy
- Become a member of TPS+
- Take the Productivity Quiz
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If you enjoyed this episode, follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts or your favorite podcast player. It’s easy, you’ll get new episodes automatically, and it also helps the show. You can also leave a review!