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  • How A Busy Professor Gets Organized and Stuff Done w/ Art Carden (TPS422)

Art Carden is a Professor of Economics who wears many hats and juggles commitments, responsibilities, and organizes and interprets a huge amount of information.

He’s a professor of Economics at Samford University’s Brock School of Business, and his research has appeared in Business Ethics Quarterly, the Journal of Urban Economics, Applied Economics, and Public Choice, among many others. He’s the author of “Leave Me Alone and I’ll Make You Rich: How the Bourgeois Deal Enriched the World”.

In this episode, he shares his workflows, how he gets stuff done, and his best productivity strategies. So whether you’re new to productivity or already advanced, there’s something in it for you.

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You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to theproductivityshow.com/422

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  • Top 3 Productivity Resources [2:37]
  • What is Art’s “Productivity Story?” [4:46]
  • Which productivity strategies have been working best for Art now? [7:54]
  • How does Art get so much writing done, and how does he organize so much info? [11:44]
  • Where does Art get his writing done? [14:03]
  • What rule does Art follow that shrinks his workload significantly? [17:32]
  • How does Art determine which tasks he can delegate to others, and which tasks he needs to handle himself? [27:25]
  • What would present-day Art tell his younger self? [29:36]
  • How does Art structure his day? [32:50]
  • How do Art and his wife’s productivity styles compare? [36:24]


Connect with Art Carden

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Last Updated: July 16, 2024

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