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  • 5 Ways to Apply the 80/20 Rule To Free Up 2+ Hours A Week (TPS118)


The 80/20 is an important concept, one that is often appreciated but also relatively difficult to find practical applications for in your own life. In this episode, you’re going to learn the framework for implementing the 80/20 in all areas of your life and work. The 5 levels laid out by our guest Tim Francis will help you take action using the 80/20 rule and significantly change your personal and professional life.

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  • How you can apply the 80/20 rule in an actionable way and see results in every part of your life
  • What the 5 levels of 80/20 are and how they will change your future if you implement them correctly
  • How Warren Buffet personally uses the 80/20 rule and how the majority of his success can be traced back to a few key decisions
  • Key questions you can ask yourself to take action on the 80/20 rule
  • How the Asian Efficiency team uses the Kolbe test to work more efficiently and effectively
  • How the 80/20 rule applies to learning new skills
  • How to use the right tools and ask yourself the appropriate questions when growing your business
  • The value of having mastermind groups and community to enlarge your thinking
  • Why the personal level (Level 1) of the 80/20 rule impacts all the other levels
  • Why personal habits and rituals are are foundational for your success


Connect with Tim Francis

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Last Updated: October 15, 2024

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  1. Hey guys,
    Love this episode (& the podcast in general)! I have been trying to find a way to properly action 80/20 and found the concept of 80/20 questions & tools really helpful.
    I think I will try to build checklists of 80/20 questions and tools for common situations that pop up (e.g. training for a particular sport, writing an article, completing study tasks, meal planning, applying for new job)!
    Thanks again!

  2. Hearing how 80/20 can influence your entire life is really eye-opening. I used to think of it as just another trick I can use on myself at work. Congrats, guys!

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