In this episode, we’re going to talk about 3 ways you can use your money to buy back time.
We’ll be covering some very inexpensive ways, and some more advanced ways, you can get back more of that precious time.
Because Time is the first part of our TEA Framework – the 3 levers of productivity – Time, Energy, and Attention. Improve any of those 3 areas, and you’ll improve your productivity.
Even better, by using some of the tips in this episode, you’ll improve your Energy and Attention. A TEA Framework trifecta!
Here are 3 things you’ll get out of this episode:
- How you can use technology to save a ton of time each year, even if you’re not a tech
- The 3 Level Framework for deciding what you should stop doing yourself
- How to get started with an executive assistant, and why almost anyone can benefit from one!
Thanks to – it could save you thousands a year.
Thank you!
You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to
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- Top 3 Productivity Resources [3:31]
- What’s Brooks’ first tip for buying back time? [4:46]
- What technology does Thanh use to remove time squanders from his life? [8:23]
- What’s tip #2 for buying back time? [12:25]
- What are some of the ways that Thanh outsources and delegates tasks? [16:32]
- What is Tip #3 for buying back time? [31:44]
- What sorts of things does Thanh have his Executive Assistant do for him? [35:54]
- How does Thanh feel about using a service versus a person to help with tasks? [43:05]
- Action step to integrate today’s topic into your life. [45:38]
- Upwork
- Fiverr
- TaskRabbit
- TPS75: Simple Systems
- TPS 333: Personal Outsourcing: How To Win Back 5+ Hours/Week
- TPS 190: How to Get Started with An Executive Assistant w/ Tim Francis
- TPS 143: The CEO’s Secret to Productivity: An Executive Assistant
- Fancyhands
- Productivity Academy
- Become a member of TPS+
- Take the Productivity Quiz
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If you enjoyed this episode, follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts or your favorite podcast player. It’s easy, you’ll get new episodes automatically, and it also helps the show. You can also leave a review!